Category Archives: books

Hooray for Long Weekends

It feels like this weekend was far too short, but that’s always the case.  We did manage to get out and enjoy the weather a bit, though, we may have worn the baby out on Sunday.  We figure it’s never too late for him to get used to his parent’s love of wandering.

On Sunday we decided to go to local winery, Woodland Hills. We figured it would be a good first with Enzo since there are plenty of places to picnic and hang out. He did really great and only got fussy in his car seat towards the end of our tasting, and then he was even more smiley once he could get out and look at everyone and everything. Josh and I bought a glass and went outside to sit on the grass and let Enzo stretch a bit.

He seemed to enjoy himself, and after a quick nap, we packed him up and went to a second winery. We didn’t get pictures because I had to skip that tasting.  Enzo was a little done at that point, so this face was a little more fitting:

I think he just got overtired and there was some very loud music at the second winery, which Enzo did NOT care for (can’t blame him really, it wasn’t very good music) so I sat outside with him and tried to get him to eat some lunch and coax him to finish up his nap from earlier.

Today we stayed in after doing some grocery shopping and then Enzo took a super looooong nap to most likely make up for yesterday.  He did get some one on one time with Uzi, though, who very obligingly let Enzo pet him for the first time!  Enzo was squirming and reaching for Uzi and Uzi sat very still while Enzo wrapped pet him and played with his fur. It did, however, end quickly when Enzo grabbed a little too much fur too tightly, but Uzi didn’t get mad, he just meowed and quickly walked away.


We’re ending the weekend in a quiet way since we take little man to his 4 month check up in the morning, so bath and a book and he’s out.  Now to read something myself or flop in front of the TV and catch up on some shows?

Week 30

Baby Boy is doing good this week, and so am I.  He continues to be a mover and a shaker and has switched positions a couple of times keeping us on our toes.  While my belly has gotten bigger, it seems like the progression has gotten a tad slower, which is good since my clothes are getting really tight and I don’t want to have to buy too many more items with just a mere two months to go!  Two months – that’s it!?


With the weather being fairly decent this weekend, we decided to get out and drive to Stillwater to check out the antique shops and book shops that they have out there.  I hadn’t realized what a cute little town it is, and definitely want to go back when the weather is warmer.  I managed to flesh out my book collection a bit, including finding some good deals on Nancy Drew books – one day my collection will be complete and hopefully we’ll have a daughter one day who will love them as much as I did growing up.


I also found a fun cookbook that I’m still flipping through, but comes complete with some help on what to do if you need to properly set a table and host on your own without a maid, as well as menu ideas for young children.


We were also able to find a few glasses to add to our drinking glass collection, which also means time to reorganize the cabinet a bit and get rid of the “boring” glasses.

And while we were in Stillwater, we went to a local brewery – me to rest my weary feet, and Josh so he could sample the beer.  I may have sampled off of Josh’s, but I couldn’t let him waste the stout, now could I?  They had a coffee stout that would have been magical with a big piece of chocolate cake.  Yum.  Thankfully, I had truffles in the car, though, so the chocolate craving was fulfilled.  We also picked up a pint glass to add to our pint glass collection… okay, so we may have more glasses than we’ll ever need, but at least they’re awesome.

And then it was a mostly leisurely Sunday in which we slept in, went to see the movie Chronicle and then went and upgraded our cell phones, followed by some kitty snuggling because you know they miss us when we decide to not stay at home on a weekend.  We may have one of the neediest cats on the planet, but he’s pretty cute.

Hooray Productivity!

It was nice to finally feel well enough to be really productive this past weekend. Josh and I got some shopping done, including a second bookcase for the sitting room so that way our shelves would match. They’re a little big for the space, but we don’t plan on staying there permanently, so it works for now. Once we unloaded the shelves we already had… it was clear I’d have to find a place for everything right away.

I think I still need to do a bit more rearranging of the actual items on the shelves, but I’m in no rush right now.

We moved the mismatched bookshelf that we replaced into what will hopefully start to resemble a nursery in a few months. It’s kind of a scary place for everything we don’t have room for anywhere else at the moment, so it looks like I need to sit down and actually go through stuff and do some major purging. I’m a really awful packrat, so there’s a lot to go through. I’ll just have to lock myself in the room and force myself to do it since it’s so easy to put off. Granted, I’ve been a little busy, but it has to be done before we can buy nursery furniture, so that’s pretty good motivation to do so.

As for hearing the baby’s heartbeat last week… so amazing.  It’s so strange to think that I have this tiny little being growing inside of me right now.

Time for sun!

The weekend was cold and blustery, but we did venture out on Saturday for a bad movie day with friends, and then again on Sunday for some shopping. First, however, Josh decided to suprise me with breakfast again!

I admit, I was clueless at first when I started seeing some of the ingredients, but then when he pulled out the deep fryer – I knew. Monte Cristos! Josh decided instead of normal lunch Monte Cristos, to turn them into real breakfast sandwiches, so they were done with eggs, ham, and cheese. Most impressive of all was how he managed to run all of the stations he had set up at one time. 😉


I just tried to stay out of the way, flip bacon as needed and play with Ziggy. Who knew that plastic eggs could offer a cat hours of enjoyment?

Oh yeah, and because Josh wasn’t sure the sandwiches were enough, I threw together what we had in the cupboards and made a pear cobbler sort of thing that I baked in the oven. Nothing too impressive, but I can see how good it could be with fresh pears and perhaps a few other additions.

After stuffing ourselves completely, we headed out towards Target, and then made a quick detour. Twice a month or more, we drive past an antique store and finally decided to stop there as well as another antique store. I am now lusting after several vintage purses and a variety of other random items. We didn’t leave empty-handed, though! We found a Strawberry Shortcake glass to add to our collection of 80s cartoon glasses as well as this cute set of encylopedias from 1952 for Mothers and a 1930s Psychology book as well as a 1937 copy of Gone with the Wind.


Here, kitty kitty

I finished reading a really good “cat” book the other day called ‘Homer’s Odyssey’ and couldn’t help but marvel at Homer the Wonder Cat. If you already own cats, you know just how special and unique they are, and this just confirms it. I’ve never had a blind pet or known anyone with one, and it was kind of amazing to see how Homer lived and got by (granted he never saw anything – his blindness was from kittenhood, so this might have made a difference in his attutide and resilience). Still, I can only imagine this blind streak of lighting running around and jumping onto high shelves and whatnot.

Our own cats have been feeling a bit neglected lately since I started school. Uzi can’t seem to understand why I’d rather stare at a screen than him and why I won’t let him sleep on my keyboard while I work. Then he wanders about the house yowling in distraught. Sometimes I forget just how much attention he needs. Ziggy, can usually take you or leave you, but even she has been extra cuddly lately. That could be due to cold temperatures, however. Aren’t cats funny?  Such incredibly distinct personalities.

We may actually be adding to our pets this weekend, as well. Josh has been wanting something reptilian in nature, so we may go take a look at different options this weekend, something like a smaller sized chameleon perhaps.