Category Archives: baby

Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?

With the weather so nice, we started officially gardening a couple of weeks ago and doing general outside tidying up.  We have a lot to do still, but at the very least, our deck has some color, and maybe, just maybe, we’ll have some yummy veggies this summer as well.  Time will tell. 😉


Thankfully I had an excellent helper when it was time to run to Home Depot for some supplies. Enzo couldn’t be happier to run around and jump in puddles and chase birds while I grabbed some flowers and such.


Since I knew Enzo would be helping me, I opted for a potting soil that was chemical and poo-free because I knew at some point something would end up in his mouth (like his shovel, and it did).


At one point, Phoebe also joined us and relaxed in her bouncy chair while we surrounded her with flowers to look at.


The raised beds in the yard were quite a mess and took several hours to rip up the weeds and who knows what else that had taken up residence, and add some better soil to the mix. The picture above was during the beginning of Spring, when we probably should have ripped everything up.


I’ve gotten so used to minimal gardening in pots that I’m not sure everything will take, but we’ll see. It also didn’t help that we had a massive storm the day after I planted and my pumpkin and rhubarb are still rather sad… also they are both firsts for me.


The strawberries seem to be doing well, though, and our lettuce is coming in as well as onions, so I’ve been pointing these out to Enzo whenever we go outside.


There is nothing better than watching things grow, though, and I wish I had more of a green thumb, and more time to really get into gardening.  Perhaps when the kids are just a bit older it will be easier.


Also, when we move to a place with fewer bugs.  They were swarming around little Phoebe and got into her little tent, and we’re having issues with wasps as well.  I did find a pet/child friendly bug spray that I sprayed around the foundation of the house that does seem to have cut down on the spiders, but that won’t help with wasps/mosquitos/gnats.


We (Josh really) ripped up two huge shrubs that were a breeding ground for spiders, so that also helped. I replaced one with lavender, and we plan on tearing up more shrubs to replace with more lavender and lemon grass and things that should hopefully deter bugs.  I did plant some bee balm and butterfly flowers, though, in the hopes that those will make themselves at home.


Sleeping Arrangements

While there are many different viewpoints on what is best for babies/children in regards to sleep, we chose to co-sleep/bed-share with both of our kiddos.  Enzo slept with us for at least the first 6 months, but always took naps in his crib because that’s what he does at day care.  We decided to move him to his crib when we all stopped sleeping well due to his very active sleep habits, and when we were worried he’d crawl out of bed.


Well, the other night when Josh and I walked into our room and found Phoebe stretched out horizontally (mostly on my side, mind you) he said it was probably time we move her to her crib.  Sigh.  Admittedly, I haven’t been sleeping that great and have woken up after being kicked in the face because she’s completely turned herself around, but part of me is sad at the thought of moving her to her own room.


I know it doesn’t mean it’s the last time she’ll share our bed (Enzo often ended up in our bed for that first year or so), and it will be kind of nice to not get a foot to the face or ribcage, but to me it’s just a reminder of how fast she’s growing.  It’s just so bittersweet because I know she’s my last baby, and it’s going by so much more quickly this time around then with Enzo. I want to savor every sleepy smile, and tiny puddle of drool (she really likes to sleep on her tummy now).


Oh, my little Phoebe girl… don’t grow up to fast, okay?

We read.

As an avid reader, one of my favorite things to do with the kids is to read.  I love picking out new books for their libraries (probably too many books), and I’m always curious to see which books will become a favorite and which ones might take some warming up to.


Phoebe is a bit young to really have any favorites, but I like to include her as often as possible when we read, and I try to read her at least one book as a part of her bedtime routine, which we also did with Enzo when he was just a baby.  Now that he’s older bedtime can take quite a while when he doesn’t want to hear “Just one more.”


As far as favorites go, Enzo still loves Dr. Seuss, but only ‘Hop on Pop’ and ‘One Fish, Two Fish.’  He has no interest in ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ or anything like that.  He also greatly enjoys books featuring Elmo and there are still nights where he only wants to read his Dentist book.  I really don’t know why he loves this book so much… it’s not very well written and you’d think a toddler would be bored by it.  He also greatly enjoys ‘Everybody Poops’ and ‘Potty Time.’


Phoebe is learning the classics thanks to Baby Lit.  They’re really good for young kids because of the pictures, and as she gets older the fact that there are so few words will be useful as she learns colors and numbers and things of that nature.  Have I mentioned how much I’m looking forward to family reading nights when they’re both older and reading chapter books?  So excited.



6 Months

Our little Toots is 6 months old today.  In a blink, another month has come and gone, and in just a month it seems she’s grown so much.


She’s always been good at grabbing things, and this past month has been no different.  She grabs anything and everything, and as most babies do – shoves them immediately into her mouth.


She is still trying desperately to crawl, so most of the time being on her tummy is not much fun.  She can hold herself up well enough, but man oh man, does she want to move!


At first we weren’t sure if she’d be sitting up unassisted anytime soon, but she’s just about there, so the Bumbo will soon be a thing of the past.  Every day it seems like she can balance just a little bit more, which I think will make her very happy and more able to play with her brother.


We just started solids the other night (more on that later), but she was more than ready, and we’ll probably give her a sippy cup tonight to test out.  Each milestone continues to be somewhat bittersweet… they’re exciting, but part of me wants her to stay my little girl forever.


My happy girl is such a joy to be around and she continues to bring us all smiles every day. She’s a favorite in the baby room, and you can’t help but love her sweet and joyful nature.  Whether she’s trying to nom your face, bouncing in her jumper, or just giggling over a poopy diaper, her happiness is infectious.


On an off note, I tend to use months as an age until our kids hit the age of 2.  It always seems silly to me when I hear people talk about their 38 month old.  I might as well start telling my own age in months… in which case I am 379 months old.


Partners in Crime

A few weeks ago when Phoebe was in her crib, I jokingly grabbed Enzo and put her in with him, and he got quite a kick out of it.  It didn’t last long because he started getting too squirmy, and wanted to stand up and jump, but now every so often he will ask to get in with her.


Josh is away for work this week, so it’s just me and the munchkins.  Surprisingly it hasn’t been too much more chaotic than usual, and both kids have been really cooperative so far.  My favorite moment was yesterday morning, though.  I put Phoebe in her crib so I could wake up Enzo, and left her busy babbling away while I went into his room. He was already awake and the first thing he said was, “Phoebe talking.”  I laughed and we went to say hi to her, and that was when Enzo asked me to put him in her crib, so I did.  He then proceeded to say, “Mommy go away.”  I had to get dressed anyway, so I complied while quietly listening to what was going on. I could hear baby babbles and Enzo making quiet little babbles back at her, so I peeked in.  They were snuggled up and Enzo was talking to her while she smiled at him and he’d do twiddle-fingers on her chin.  He must have sensed that I was there because he looked up, ceased what he was doing, and practically shooed me out of the room, “Mommy!  Go away!”


I hope these little secret conversations always take place.  It made my heart glad and put the biggest smile on my face.  I hope they always confide in each other as they do now. 😉