While not a great deal has changed in a month (as of the 12th – I’m early, so sue me!), there are certainly things that stick out as our little girl moves ever closer to becoming a little lady and farther away from being a tiny babe.
She’s still greatly enjoying her journey with solid food and as of last night she handled mango and nectarine slices like a pro as well as some green beans and a chicken strip. She also figured out how to use a straw. I think she likes the sippy cups without handles, so we’ll get her a couple more of those. That’s one thing I underestimated as a parent… we have had to buy so many duplicates of the same item in different styles/brands to find the right fit for each kid. Go figure.
Little Miss is also doing a fantastic job of sitting up and has been enjoying getting to play with her brother more easily. She also figured out how to use the Elephant ball popper (clever girl), and gets a kick out of watching the balls fly out of the trunk… I’m sure I have pictures somewhere.
As far as her personality goes – she’s an extremely mild-tempered girl who is currently finding her voice. She actually upset Enzo the other day when she was yelling. I think he thought she was hurt or sad, so he started crying, so we had to explain that she was just talking… really loudly. She is also one of the wiggliest babies – perhaps even more so than her brother. We had to move the changing table away from the window because I couldn’t keep her on her back anymore – all she wanted to do was roll over and grab the blinds or try and get to the window. The bouncer is her happy place since she can jump with those adorable chunky legs as much as her heart desires.
It’s good to be 7 months old.