Category Archives: baby

7 Months

While not a great deal has changed in a month (as of the 12th – I’m early, so sue me!), there are certainly things that stick out as our little girl moves ever closer to becoming a little lady and farther away from being a tiny babe.


She’s still greatly enjoying her journey with solid food and as of last night she handled mango and nectarine slices like a pro as well as some green beans and a chicken strip.  She also figured out how to use a straw.  I think she likes the sippy cups without handles, so we’ll get her a couple more of those.  That’s one thing I underestimated as a parent… we have had to buy so many duplicates of the same item in different styles/brands to find the right fit for each kid.  Go figure.


Little Miss is also doing a fantastic job of sitting up and has been enjoying getting to play with her brother more easily.  She also figured out how to use the Elephant ball popper (clever girl), and gets a kick out of watching the balls fly out of the trunk… I’m sure I have pictures somewhere.


As far as her personality goes – she’s an extremely mild-tempered girl who is currently finding her voice.  She actually upset Enzo the other day when she was yelling. I think he thought she was hurt or sad, so he started crying, so we had to explain that she was just talking… really loudly. She is also one of the wiggliest babies – perhaps even more so than her brother. We had to move the changing table away from the window because I couldn’t keep her on her back anymore – all she wanted to do was roll over and grab the blinds or try and get to the window.  The bouncer is her happy place since she can jump with those adorable chunky legs as much as her heart desires.


It’s good to be 7 months old.

Munchkin Meals – 7 months old (almost)

Linking up for Munchkin Meals (hosted by Brittany at A Healthy Slice of Life) this month!

Forgive the long wordy, picture heavy post as we explore the beginnings of our girl’s relationship with food.


Phoebe has thoroughly been enjoying food lately. As you’ll notice, we’re still doing mostly pureed food, but offering larger pieces of fruits and veggies that can be held in her hand while we sit by to make sure she doesn’t choke if she manages to gum off a bigger chunk.  We’ve only been giving her really soft foods, though, so we haven’t had any choking scares.

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That being said, over the past few days I’ve noticed that she hasn’t been as interested in grabbing food herself, and has been preferring the spoon or the “feeder” we got her over attempting to hold onto actual food.  We think it must be a part of teething because while she likes the food, she also really likes to gnaw on the spoon and the feeder especially.  It’s a nice squishy rubber that combined with fruit from the fridge probably feels really nice on her gums.

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We aren’t really worried about allergies since food allergies don’t run in either of our families and Enzo had no troubles, so, seeing that she is doing so well, we’ll probably start giving her a lot more options to try.


Some of her big favorites are sweet potatoes and butternut squash (not too surprising), as well as pears and nectarines for fruit.  She seems to be on the fence as far as bananas go, but she really won’t refuse anything. She was also on the fence with avocado, but seems to think it’s okay. She really liked the roasted carrot we gave her, and she gave the broccoli a good go as well.

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While I do make some of her baby food, I admit it’s been much easier this time around to buy organic baby food.  I had so much more time with Enzo, so sometimes it can be difficult to put forth the effort to make up a bunch of baby food when I can reach into the pantry for food that sounds more interesting than anything I made.  The biggest thing is that Phoebe is a much different eater than Enzo was.  Enzo ate a lot more formula and would kind of explore solid food and eat here and there, but he really didn’t eat a ton of purees or solid pieces of food.  Phoebe, however, gets bored with her bottles and wants to eat solid food and can eat a full jar of baby food in one serving (Enzo never did this). She doesn’t quite have the patience to slowly gnaw and explore whole foods, which is why we got the feeder so she could more easily eat slippery foods at a faster pace. She ate almost an entire nectarine this way the other day. We do feed her a bottle before solid meals so she isn’t starving when it’s time to put her in the high chair, but she still seems to prefer whatever method is quickest and easiest, and for now that seems to be giving her the spoon after we load it with food.


I’m sure we’ll find a decent groove soon, and slowly phase out more of the pureed food.  It’s funny just how different things are the second time around, though.  They are both such different eaters, and I thought this time around would just be a breeze. I’d quickly whip up some baby food and have time to prepare soft foods for Phoebe to handle herself because Enzo would amuse himself while I did this. Well, we’ll make it work. Now I just need to show Phoebe how fun solid food can be, and see how we can get day care on board as well.


To the Zoo!

We decided that since Memorial Day Weekend was 3 days long we should get out for at least one of those days, so we went to the zoo!  We figured it might not be too busy if we went early enough on Saturday since a lot of people were also going to be camping.  It’s actually much easier to go to the zoo when there a lot of other families rather than a lot of people without kids who for some reason think it’s crazy that so many people take their kids to the zoo and get pissy if you’re walking slow or are chasing down a toddler who no longer wanted to sit in his stroller.



We brought the barge so that way both kids would have the option of sitting in the stroller at the same time. I brought a sling as well in case Phoebe got fussy, but really enjoyed hanging out in her own special seat, especially when Enzo was sitting in front of her and she could reach out to hold the seat in front of her.

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Enzo was a little bit of a grump, but Phoebe was very happy just checking everything out.  We thought it might put Enzo in a good mood to try and ride a camel, and he got excited at the suggestion, so $10 later (ouch) he and Josh took a ride around on a camel.  Enzo got a little scared at first, so Josh showed him how fun it is to make silly noises because of how bumpy the ride was, and he got more into it.  Josh is actually recording Enzo making the silly noises (and not checking Facebook).



We did a fairly quick walkthrough this time around since Enzo was kind of having an “off” day, but did stop to see the otters and wolverine, which he thoroughly enjoyed before heading home.  Since we renewed our membership it’s nice to feel like we can stay as long as we want, and it’s okay to only see a few things each time.  I’m glad that overall the kiddos generally do really well on our little day trips, though.


It’s also the first time, though (at this particular zoo) that I kind of felt bad watching the animals. I never noticed how small some of the exhibits are and (maybe its hormones), I just felt a twinge of sadness as the lynx slept curled up in a ball next to the glass while small children tried to get its attention by making noise and banging.  It all felt a little depressing, to be honest.


And now that I’ve completely ended things on a dismal note (whoops), if I ever win the lottery, I know I want to put some of it towards wildlife conservation.  Anything helps, right?  Hopefully if you visit your own zoos frequently you’ll educate yourself and see what ways you can help support your local zoo as well as support wildlife in general.  There are so many simple things we could all do.


Photo… Dump? Deposit?

Photo dump just sounds so… blech, even though that’s kind of what this post is.  I take so many photos of the kids and random things and end up editing them and uploading them, but don’t always use them in posts.  So, I thought I’d just do a random mish mash post of things that happened and sort of fell through the cracks in the last few months.


I love making cookies, but when I do I never hear the end of it and Enzo won’t stop talking about them, and he’d sit down and go through the entire batch in one sitting if we let him.


It’s hard not to take about a million photos of this little girl… especially since her brother doesn’t like to sit still anymore and is more interested in what’s going on behind the camera than being in front of it.


She’s not quite as serious as she was a few months ago.  Now she seems to be constantly smiling moving – not that that’s a bad thing!


Sigh… soon she won’t be using the Bumbo.  She’s been doing so good with sitting up on her own. I still tend to stay really close, but even when she falls over she does it in such a graceful way… not like Enzo who would suddenly just tip and BAM.  I guess he got that from me.


Mmm… cake. I should make more of this.  However, the caramel sauce that day did NOT cooperate. Why do I have such trouble with caramel??


This guy can be so serious as well… his determination lives on, however now that he’s a 2 year old he makes it known when he gets frustrated.  Sometimes he’ll just stay silent for a minute and huff, but other times he yells – more like roars – and throws whatever has made him mad.


In this case, he happened to be mad at Elmo for some reason.  Or me… and he was taking it out on Elmo.  That happens sometimes. So far we haven’t had to deal with much grumpiness from Phoebe (though I’m sure that will come), so let’s just end this post with another ray of sunshine, shall we?


Starting Solids

It’s been a fun few weeks introducing Phoebe to the world of solids… well, sort of.  Can you call pureed food a solid?  As with Enzo, we’re kind of doing our own version of baby led weaning by doing what is easiest for day care (as well as ourselves), but without limiting Phoebe too much. Much like Enzo, she’s the one who made it clear to all of us that she was ready to move beyond just bottles – she wasn’t finishing them and seemed bored and started reaching for our food. So, we thought we’d see how she did with some oatmeal, and she loved it!


We’ve since tried carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, avocado, bananas, pears, apples… the list goes on.  Most of them have been pureed, but we’ve also offered some whole foods as well.  We were actually surprised at just how quickly she started grabbing the spoon and from the get-go she was able to navigate it to her mouth.


While she’s at daycare, they typically feed her themselves – she’s one of many infants, but when she’s at home with us we generally load the spoon for her, and then bring it within her reach and she grabs it and puts it in her mouth.  She’s been eager to try larger chunks of food as well, and we’ve let her experience several of them, but I’ll save that for another post.


The most suprising thing is that we haven’t really run into anything yet that she has no interest in.  With Enzo there were a few foods he just had no interest in (like avocado) and sometimes peas, but this little girl has been willing to eat them all.  I really hope that’s a great sign of things to come.


In the meantime, maybe she can show her big brother that trying new foods is totally cool and he should do the same. 😉
