Our Phoebe girl will be 10 months old tomorrow… only 2 more months and she’ll be an entire year old! Talk about changes too. Over the past week or two, this girl apparently came to the decision that she had taken things slowly long enough and she was ready to move on.
She want from slowly scooting around to full on crawling overnight, although she still does it at a very slow and calculated pace. She isn’t one to rush around, and I kind of enjoy her laidback pace. If that continues she’ll be a good companion when it comes to slow walks, and maybe, just maybe I’ll have time to actually take photos again when we’re out and about because I won’t have to chase her the way I do her brother.
She’s also gotten very good at pulling herself up on everything. It was a slow process, and then BAM – up on everything. I don’t think Enzo was ready for it either. He loves his little sister, but now has to get used to her being able to get into everything, including his favorite toys. We have to explain a lot lately that anything special he needs to keep out of reach or in his room. Phoebe takes it all in stride, though, and just moves on to something new.
She’s mostly obsessed with the train table and trains, as well as the ride-on Firetruck and Batmobile. I’ve been letting her crawl around the kitchen nekkid after bath time and she makes a beeline for either of these every time, which usually means leaving her towel and piddling all over the floor. After a really nasty case of a yeast diaper rash, I’m doing whatever I can to prevent another one, and that means as much diaper-free time as we can.
As far as other things go, Phoebe continues to grow and make us all laugh with her funny sounds and faces. I love watching her face light up when I pick her up at day care and she gets just as happy to see her big brother once they are reunited. She often sits in her car seat and watches him, just waiting for him to play with her, which he often does by yelling “Boo!” at her or whatever else they manage.
She continues to be a really good natured gal with a smile that lights up the room. Everyone is enamored with her hair, and people often point it out. How can you not love it? I will be sad when her hair grows out, I admit it. It always makes me a little sad to see her get so big so fast, but what can you do? Either way, I love this little lady more and more each day.