I promise our lives don’t revolve around food… not entirely. What’s not to love about breakfast for dinner, though? Between working, school, and the gym, we don’t always have time to make dinner, but it’s something we’re trying to squeeze in more often rather than sitting in front of our computers with a frozen meal or snacks thrown hastily together. Granted, our cooked meals aren’t always that much healthier than the frozen variety, but we do try. 😉 Plus while cooking you have extra time to chat, and who doesn’t love a good chat over sizzling bacon?
My goal is to find some quicker recipes that can be thrown together quickly on days when I have papers to write and tests to study for. I like using the Crockpot, but not everything can be left for 10-12 hours and at least 3-4 times a week that’s how long we’re away. Plus… I confess that I hate cleanup. Baking is different – cleanup after baking is so much nicer than cleanup after dinner when there might be grease and crud to scrape off of a pan. 😉 Ah well, time to pull out some cookbooks and do some experimenting!
In the meantime, you can’t go wrong with breakfast when in doubt, and a cup of blueberry tea for relaxing.
Or if you’re Josh… a Josh-sized sammich.
And what better dessert than fresh fruit… which may or may not have been topped with whipped cream after this picture was taken.