Week In Review – Well hello there, February

Happy Monday!

Linking up with Meghan from Clean Eats, Fast Feets for another Week in Review!

Random occurrences and accomplishments – this week there were few accomplishments, let’s just be honest.

  • So much laundry. The cat puked on the bed two days in a row which meant extra washing to be done, and is not my favorite.
  • Flipped the calendar to February. This is my work calendar, my home calendar is all Outlander.

  • Fewer trips to Target – this is an accomplishment because it seems like I’m always at Target spending money on things we don’t need.
  • Kept my cool during another insane Phoebe tantrum when she didn’t want to leave day care. Enzo and I shared a look and he helped carry bags and open doors while I carried a flailing and screaming child to the car. I’m giving myself a big pat on the back for deep breathing this week and only having maybe 1 mommy meltdown.
  • Have been enjoying this super yummy tea that Phoebe picked out for her tea party last weekend. She didn’t drink any, but I LOVE it, and the boys thought it was tasty too.

  • On Saturday the kids and I went to the zoo in the morning.  It was chilly, so we stuck indoors on the Tropics Trail where we got to be actually warm and it wasn’t even that crowded.

  • I rewarded their good behavior with sugary treats because that’s what one does when they’re you’re of the house while your husband plays video games with his friends.


  • After the zoo we stopped by my sister-in-law’s house so that the kids could play with their cousins and I was able to have some gal time.  The kiddos were absolutely worn out by the time we got home… to the point where Phoebe was just fighting everything and completely melting down because she didn’t want to get in pajamas and go to sleep even though she was clearly exhausted. Whoops.  They had a lot fun, though…

  • Sunday was low-key and filled with lots of relaxing, snacking, and not much in the way of actually doing anything that really needed doing.  I’m okay with that,  though.

Happy Monday everyone!