The F Word (no, not that one).

We’ve reached that point in the year where there is no denying that fall is just around the corner and I am doing everything in my power to hold onto summer.  I’m avoiding fall because of what it inevitably becomes and I simply can’t think about that right now.  Granted, I wish stores would hold off when it comes to putting out Halloween and Thanksgiving items and it is way too early for pumpkin beverages. I refuse to rush through the last days of summer.


So, from here on out we’re going to get good use out of our shorts and short-sleeved shirts and hit up the zoo as many times as we can, the arboretum, and pretty much anyplace that is outside and more enjoyable in sunshine.  I even signed up Josh and I for a Grape Stomp at a local winery.  I channeled my inner Lucy years ago working very briefly at a chocolate factory, but this should be a bit more fun.


We also want to try and fit in some kind of end-of-summer gathering, but we need to do a little planning and the house needs some organizing before we invite people into our chaos as we’ve moved things around since the last time we had a large group over.  One day we’ll finish our various projects and I won’t stare at the basement wondering what on earth needs to be done to make it more functional and the landscaping won’t obnoxiously taunt me every time I pull up.


Oh well, one day at a time.  It’s easy to become overwhelmed with too many projects, so I’m trying to work on the ones that feel the most important.  They don’t always have the biggest impact, but I’m trying to focus on what will make me feel the most joy.  I’m preparing for a major house decluttering, so I suppose Josh and the kids had better get ready too.  Like so many others I’m reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up and I’m getting kind of excited (also really nervous) about getting rid of a ton of things and simplifying.


What do all of these random thoughts have to do with zoo pictures?  Not much at all.  We finally went to see the monk seals a little while ago, and are due back for another visit.  I think I’m okay with putting off de-cluttering a little while longer while we make the most of the nice temperatures.  Maybe we can give the carousel another whirl since Phoebe really wants to like it, but gets a little freaked out every time.



Instead, they wanted to spend the entire time at the new play area. I mean, who goes to a zoo to see animals?  Not these two!  Give us all the slides!




One thought on “The F Word (no, not that one).

  1. Joanne

    I am totally with you on this. Somehow fall has become sort of a cult season and though it is definitely my favorite season, I could do without all the hype. Love that you’re celebrating the now!

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